Yoga classes London

Yoga is a constant learning process.

I use the insight of my teachers and students to develop the classes I teach, and also my personal practice.

Here’s what students say about my yoga classes …


‘I have attended Flavia’s classes for three years and would highly recommend them. I leave the classes feeling deeply relaxed, happy and reinvigorated. The class is suitable for everyone – beginners to expert – as Flavia teaches us to focus on what we can do, not what our neighbours are doing, and to come back to child pose at any time if necessary. Flavia’s voice is soothing and her happy nature makes every class pure joy. Thanks for bringing yoga into my life!’ –Kelly


‘Thank you for helping to get me into yoga. Even though it’s only been a few sessions, it’s such a relief to get exercising again and know something can actually help with my arthritis! You really are a brill teacher.’ –Eloise


‘Flavia’s was the first yoga class I took seriously because it was so enjoyable and also there was no pressure to ‘bend backwards’, if you didn’t want to.

I like to climb and at first I gained a new found flexibility from the classes that enabled me to reach new goals. What I learned over a longer period however is just how important your breath is.
‘Focusing on breathing has also helped to ground and give me confidence to perform challenging tasks. I’ve used it in interview situations, when preparing for difficult conversations and when faced with a difficult climbing challenge.

Best of all focusing on the breath has helped me get a good night’s sleep when my mind is swimming with thoughts about the days ahead. I thoroughly recommend her class to everyone.’ –Matt


‘My scepticism about yoga and my ability to do it (I couldn’t even come close to touching my toes when I started) was quickly forgotten. Flavia’s classes are fantastic. I saw immediate results in my stress levels and general feelings of wellbeing as well as surprising myself with some longer-term ones (I can now touch my toes). I’d recommend the classes to anyone.’ Jon



Yoga with friends



‘My partner and I both love Flavia as a yoga teacher! We find her classes accessible for all levels, and we definitely feel better in body and mind after attending a class with her. Flavia is a kind and knowledgeable teacher, and I particularly admire how much she continues to hone her craft and understanding of the practice by travelling to experience extra training around the globe, including in India.’ –Sarah


‘Yours are the only classes I’ve managed to stick to for more than a week! Thank you for helping me to deal with Mondays!’ –Hayley


‘Flavia’s classes are perfect for those who, like me, are not natural yogis. Born with hamstrings tighter than a miser’s purse strings, I have always struggled with basic stretches and have found yoga classes intimidating. However, Flavia’s warm and encouraging teaching style has converted me. She always encourages me to try new poses and helps me to work with my body rather than fight against it.

Not only do I now feel stronger and (by my standards…) more flexible but I also feel calmer in myself. I find myself thinking of Flavia’s advice and breathing techniques whenever I feel my stress or anxiety levels rising, wherever that may be – at home, work or even on the tube.

Mindfulness is at the core of Flavia’s teaching and she ensures we focus on our breath and movements to work on this. Her classes are ideal for those who want to find a bit of space and calm in their day.’ –Lucy


‘I’ve been a regular at Flavia’s yoga classes for over two years and have found them to be relaxing, fulfilling and extremely helpful in getting back to full fitness, after incurring a variety of injuries over the past year. Flavia’s calming style and personality make the classes a joy to attend.’ –Karen


Get in touch or sign up for a class

Find out more about my courses and classes – full details are here, or use any of the social icons at the top of this page to get in touch.

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